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A message from Pastor Jerry Witham...

To honor direction from our local government (Romans 13.1-2) and to help care for the vulnerable we will not gather this Sunday for our corporate worship service or any other classes. We will also temporarily suspend all ministry events or gatherings, which includes LIFEgroups for the next week (through March 20).

We will continue to send updates through email and also update our website to keep you informed. This will also include a message in our current series on 1 Corinthians. We want to invite you to watch the sermon and practice other elements of worship as well, which include prayer, signing and listening to worship music, reading scripture and giving (you can give online through the website by clicking on our online giving link).

As shared yesterday, let us be God-remembering during this time and not be led to worry (Philippians 4.6-7). Set aside time to be in God’s Word and to pray. Be ready to show the love of Christ to our neighbors (Mark 12.31). Let us pray for the sick. Stay connected to the church community through phones calls, texts and other online resources. Let us hold out the gospel of hope as we talk to lost people during this time of uncertainty. Jesus is sovereign over all of this.