Join us for Sunday Worship for our very first online worship service. While we miss meeting with you in person at the church, we believe that the Spirit moves through His Word, and that we are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit (Ephesians 2:21-22).

Join with us as we study 2 Kings 6: 8-23 this morning.

Three questions to consider with your families following service:

1. Looking at verses 8-17 in our text, describe the differences between Elisha's perspective and the perspective of the servant in those verses.

2. Discuss the key to transforming the servant's point of view, and how does that affect you in this situation (Covid-19).

3. Can you think of a specific way to live your faith in the week ahead, that steers clear of fear on the one side, and carelessness on the other?

God bless you this week as you are equipped to serve Him in these unique and strange times, and may we give Him, our Sovereign LORD,, the glory He is due in our daily lives this week.