Questions to reflect upon:
1. How does our culture reflect a humanistic philosophy and in what ways has that affected your own worldview (way of thinking)?

2. What are some of the challenges that a follower of Jesus faces in a world dominated by a humanistic worldview and how can you overcome those challenges?

3. What are some ways of thinking or even practices that Christians can sometimes adopt without any serious consideration or acknowledgement of what God has already revealed to us?

4. After listening to the message and reading the passage, why is the Gospel such good news?

Questions to reflect upon (older kid’s version):
1. List some of God’s ways and thoughts that people in our world do not approve of?

2. How is it hard for you when one of your friends says something that you know is against what God has said?

3. Are there certain things that you think or do that you are not sure what God thinks about them? Is there anything you know about God that will help you think more clear about those things?

4. After listening to the message and reading the passage, why is the Gospel such good news?