Important Files:


Just to let you know, I am soon doing a video on Matthew 20:1-16.

A new denomination forms every 3 hours:

early in the morning = Jewish nation

+ 3 hours = Christians
+ 3 hours = Protestants
+ 3 hours = Adventists
+ 3 hours = the final church, which is when Jesus comes back and "the dead in Christ rise first."

The 11th hour is not a new denomination, because it is only 2 hours after the 9th hour. It therefore works within the 9th hour movement (which is the same as what EGW says -- to work within the SDA church until the Sunday Law).

Revelation 17:12 "one hour" - I believe it is related to Matthew 20:1-16; because the 11th hour + 1 hour = the 12th hour = the final church, which is when Jesus comes back and "the dead in Christ rise first."


Enoch's explanation:
In the days of Jesus, the church at large was in apostasy. The MAJORITY of the religious leaders in His day were teaching false doctrines and not doing the Lord's will. But Jesus and His disciples did not separate to the point of calling themselves a different denomination. They were willing to preach in the synagogues (conference churches) so they could preach to their brothers and sisters. But there came a point where the synagogues and the established religious church was not willing to listen to Jesus and His disciples. So they were "put out of the synagogues." But the whole time they were preaching they did not separate themselves from the Jews. It was when the religious leaders and the established church was not doing the right thing and continuing in error that Jesus and His followers went around the conference churches [still considered then to be Jews/SDA] but they did not allow the Pharisees to control their beliefs or how they worshipped God. As in Christ's day, so in ours. History repeats itself (Ecclesiastes 3:15). Our churches are still SDA churches but we are not controlled or influenced by the apostasy that is taking place within the main church at large.

They were still God's chosen people. The Jews had the oracles of truth. They had the truth but they weren't living up to the light that God had given them. They didn't give the message to the world. How can you to share with God's people if you completely separate yourself from them, say that they are evil and won't even go near them? Your ability to witness to them and thus awaken God's people is utterly destroyed; you basically set yourself apart and all alone.

Jesus said: "Before you go out and preach to the Gentiles, go first to the lost sheep of the house of Israel [the SDA church]." Matthew 10:5-6.

So as in Jesus' day, His disciples preached to the established church mostly for 3 and a half years until finally the church killed Stephen, the first Christian Martyr; and it was this that sealed their fate. They were no longer God's people because they completely rejected His Messiah and His message. Then the Gospel went to the world.

But that will take place with the SDA at the Sunday law. There is a time period before the Sunday Law that God has given. This is like the 1 & 1/2 years given to the Jews. But God has given this time to the SDA to get their act together and as many as will listen to the warning message before it's too late. Those in Israel will be awakened to their Laodicean condition and be prepared soldiers (spiritually) for the Sunday Law.

I'm glad that the Holy Spirit has given you the discernment to see what we've been saying. I apologize for us taking so long but like I said the situation is a bit complicated to explain but again the Bible has all the answers. {Enoch to Piper on 4-Nov-2013}
