Text: Matthew 20:29-34
Title: What Do You Want
Preacher: Rev. Greg Brower
Susan Scott tells a story of her brother trying to kill the moles in their yard as a child. Every Saturday was filled with a new adventure in mole whacking, but the moles always came back. Each week was filled with new debates about the best way to drive the moles away. Only as an adult did he learn he had been asking the wrong question. Rather than asking how to drive the moles away, he should have been asking what brought the moles to the yard. Then, he could have tackled the much easier job of killing the grubs the moles were coming to eat. We spend much of lives asking all the wrong sorts of questions: What do people think of me? How can I get ahead? How can I be a better person/student/athlete/parent/salesperson? Most of our questions focus on us and meeting our felt needs, but in our text today, Jesus asks the only question that really matters: What do you want from Jesus?