A Prayer of the Day. (Seeds of Shalom) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNbIaZn3SVrZUgsNBm6wCiBv-r0C6n7XJ "Don't you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send them instantly?" (Matthew 26:53, NLT)

Lord Jesus, you devoted yourself to Father's will. You knew how cruel the cross was but did chose to take the cross. No one could take your life away from you. But you took it down on your own initiative. You have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. You are the true Shepard. You lay down your life for your sheep. There is absolutely nothing that can separate us from your love. We know this for sure because you have done for us Lord. Holy Spirit, help us to share this wonderful good news of the cross. People are searching love, everlasting love, unconditional love. People are hurt in relationships. They are damaged because of relationships. So do we. Oh Holy Spirit, come and heal us, we are just broken jars of cray. Demonstrate your healing power of love through us. Shine your love through our brokenness. Use us as wounded healers to bring hope and life to people around us. Thank you Jesus for your amazing love. In Jesus name, amen.