EQUIP is a daily Bible study from youth pastor Brad DuFault. New episodes come out every weekday at 9:00 AM.

This is the fifth part in a series of daily Bible studies for youth! We've been covering Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount (or "teaching on the hill" in normal English). Last time, we looked at the Beatitudes (which means "blessings") that Jesus describes. Jesus shows in many ways that those who might think they have it bad are actually on the path to joy. Last time, we were only able to really focused on verses 3, 4, and 6. Those verses all fit under the general idea that we are blessed when we count on God to come through, because he does come through.

This time, we will focus on the remaining verses in the section, which have a slightly different angle. The other blessing statements make the point that we are blessed when we serve God, because he rewards.

Don't have a Bible of your own? Email me at brad.dufault@gmail.com and I will make sure you get one! But for now, CLICK HERE [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A3-12&version=NLT] to read the passage for today.