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Christ's approach to the OT law

Christ's teaching were considered radical but were only radical in the sense that they went back to the root of the law

Christ conveyed the righteousness of the law and what it required

The practice of the law among the Jews was different to what the law intended

Christ taught that the moral issues of the law had not changed

The law was God explaining and teaching righteousness

Jesus wanted the Jews to understand that when God gave them the law it was to teach them love (Matt 7:12)

The weightier aspects of the law (Matt 23:23) justice, mercy and faithfulness

Jesus used two examples of justice -- murder and adultery

Jesus used two examples of faithfulness -- divorce and taking oaths or vows

Jesus used to examples of mercy

Breaking vows and promises

The law taught the Jews not to swear falsely and perform any oaths made to the Lord

Jesus clarified things that were morally right and wrong

Jesus did not take something morally right in the OT and make it morally wrong in the NT

In the OT swearing oaths was not wrong (Heb 6)

Breaking an oath sworn by God is blasphemy

The Jews were commanded to swear by God as opposed other gods, false gods (Ex 23:13 Josh 23:7 Is 65:16)

Swearing by the name of God in the OT was not forbidden, swearing falsely was (Lev 19:12 Deut 23:21-23)

Jesus under oath in the NT (Matt 26)

Paul under oath in the NT (Gal 1)

The Pharisees had turned taking oaths into a system for deceiving people

Jesus refers to the system (Matt 23:16-22)

The Pharisees had created a dishonest corrupt system of oath taking

Jesus taught not to accept this corrupt system

Be faithful and honest

Oaths are not bad but what they had become was best avoided

Be a person of integrity