Happy Memory Verse Monday!!! We are excited to memorize some verses from the bible all together.

Even though we are all in our homes and not hanging out together in person, we can still be growing together!

Growing in ways that remind us about what God says is true about us and about His world. Plus, how cool is it that people who are a part of Young Life Capernaum around the world will all be memorizing the same bible verses together!

Just think, you’ll know the same verses as someone in Africa and Asia and Europe and the Former Soviet Union and Latin America and Canada and the United States… plus so many more places! Isn’t that amazing?!

In Proverbs chapter 3, which is in the Old Testament of your bible, it says, “My son and daughter, do not forget my teaching. Keep my commands in your heart. They will help you live for many years. They will bring you peace and success. Don’t let love and truth ever leave you. Tie them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart.”

Did you catch that? God invites us to keep His word in our heart! When we memorize verses from the bible, that’s exactly what we are doing. We are writing God’s word on the tablets of our hearts.

So let’s work together to fill our hearts with God’s word! Join our friend Kelsey Hamilton from Allen, Texas, as she gives you the tools to memorize Psalm 100.

Special thanks to Randall Goodgame for the Memory Verse Monday jingle! Want to hear more music from Randall, go to https://slugsandbugs.com.