The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out. — Proverbs 20:5

This wisdom is incredible.

First, I want to address the descriptive phrase "deep water."  Again the text reads, "The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water." I respect Solomon's description of men here. In fact, I love it! Because our culture describes men as shallow and lacking in depth. But we don't lack depth. We have incredible depth. Our hearts are like deep water. The deepest water. And the deepest water we have on planet earth is located off Guam in the Pacific Ocean. It measures about 36,161 feet deep or about 7 miles straight down. This depth would swallow up all of our tallest mountains. It's called Challenger Deep. And to the present day, only 22 men have ever explored this depth. And fellas, our hearts are like that. We are not shallow. Our hearts are deep and have massive regions that are unexplored. Some of which we do not know or understand.

But there are men out there, maybe just a few in each of our lives, who can dive to this depth. They have been to depths and navigated the waters of their own heart. And because they have explored these regions, they know how to guide us through them and draw things out of our hearts.

Fellas, you need men like this in your life. They are easier to find than you think. All you have to do is find a godly man who has been "Challenger Deep." Find a man who has been through a challenge you are facing right now. If you face a challenge with sin, addiction, health, marriage, or career — find a godly man who's been there. These men know how to dive into these depths because they have been there before. They have navigated the waters, the pressure, the stress, and the strain for understanding — for air.

So today, I want you to act on this by texting or calling one godly man who has navigated the challenges you are facing today. I promise God will provide spiritual direction. But be listening not only for your purpose but His purpose.

ASK THIS: Who do you need to text or call?

DO THIS: Write their first name below.

PRAY THIS: God, declare your purpose to me as I navigate the deep waters with another man.

PLAY THIS: Deep Cries Out.

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