
New week, enjoy it! here is the transcript:


1 Timothy 1:10-11, “…for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers -- and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which He entrusted to me.”

Interesting points:
1. In these verses, Paul finishes his warning to Timothy concerning the false teachers of the law by driving home the reason God created the Law in the first place: to unequivocally identify what God hates/condemns so that mankind could better avoid evil and to recognize their sin and repent.

2. The list of the Unrighteous in verse 10 may seem straightforward, especially as it is only a subset of “whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine” that conforms to God’s glorious gospel, but a closer look may give us pause. Adulterers are unfaithful to those they love (how much so the man that does not prioritize God first?), the pervert deviates from acceptable standards (what about those that take shortcuts in their work, violate agreements/promises?), slave traders force others into (spiritually speaking, what about those that corrupt the Innocent?), liars deceive others with their words, and perjurers injure others and corrupt their own testimony by betraying the truth. In that light, we can better understand how the law helps us discern right from wrong and our desperate need for God and His righteousness.

3. Note that Paul said that the law, correctly applied, is the sound doctrine which conforms to the glorious gospel -- the Good News!!! This means that an all-powerful God revealed His law to mankind as a guiding system for righteousness and life, and Jesus, through His death at Calvary, provided us full access to both despite our innumerable failures. This is the glorious gospel Paul said and God entrusted him with.

Brothers, may we always remember that God’s Word will open our eyes to the sin in our lives. When it does, let’s invest the time to bring it to the Lord to ask forgiveness.
May we also remember that God also entrusts us with His glorious gospel. The real question is, “What are we doing with it?”