Titus 1:11, "They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach – and that for the sake of dishonest gain.”

Interesting points:
1. In this verse, Paul indicates that the false teachers mentioned in the preceding verse need to be "silenced." This is not a call for violence, but instead emphasizes the need to stop the spread of such false teachings within the house churches on Crete.

2. Paul also provided two compelling reasons to stand against false teachers: they divided families and took advantage of people, deceiving them for financial gain. In Titus 1:5–9, Paul identified false teaching these two actions as character flaws which would disqualify someone becoming an elder (let alone serve in church leadership).

3. In Verse 12 we will find that these false teachers were residents of Crete – not foreigners. The group advocating circumcision of believing Gentiles were most likely Jewish converts to Christianity. Paul’s words stand in sharp contrast to those who taught that it was necessary for Gentiles to follow Jewish Law in order to obey Christ, reminding Titus such teachings were not aligned with the true "Good News" of Jesus.

4. Instead, the Gospel was intended for Jew and Gentile: Jesus came to complete the Law, not enslave Gentile converts to it.

Brothers, this verse strongly reminds us that we have a role to stand up against false teachers, those that misinterpret Scripture, sow disunity and strife, and seek to prey on others for financial gain.
May we continually be on the lookout for such wolves among the flock, alerting the appropriate shepherds (church leaders) so that they can take appropriate action and safeguard the body of Christ!