Good morning everybody. This is Pa, Mike, from Sanctuary Family Farms. Hope you are having a wonderful day. I want to share a scripture with you in Psalm 60:11. It says, “Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man,” and 60:12 says, “Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.” Now when I think of that, I think in the circumstances around us, it gets pretty pretty daunting to think about how am I going to do this? What if this happens? All the things plaguing us. And you know what folks? We can’t do a thing about it. We cannot change one thing. We’re not high enough up the food chain to do that, but I got news for you. We’ve got a God that is higher than anybody else. Who’s looking down on us. Not down on us a way of despairing, but down on us to say, “That’s my children.” So don’t worry. Help does not come from man but from the Lord. You have a blessed day today, and you keep looking up, to look for your Lord. Goodbye, and have a great day.