Season 2 Episode 11 - “Muhammad (saw) the Perfect Man" - "Deuteronomy 20:12-13"

Join us every other week for an installment of "Muhammad (saw) the Perfect Man" video series, presented by the MKA National Taleem Department.

Follow along with the weekly readings:
"The Life and Character of the Seal of the Prophets Volume II" by Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib M.A. (ra):
Pages: 485 - 533

Each video in the series will cover two weeks of readings and coincide with a bi-weekly quiz, administered by the MKA National Taleem Department. Join the "Muhammad (saw) the Perfect Man" Read Along Series- Telegram Announcements Channel for the most up to date release of reading material, audiobook excerpts, and bi-weekly episodes.

The associated readings and audiobooks will continue on Monday.

Jazak'Allah for joining us, Insh'Allah, until next time.