Song.. Singer/Writer .. Pastor: Paul Sheehan wrote this little song as Father led prior to the Mid Week Teaching Session @ 'Paradise Now' Church .. 29.4.2015 .. Has anyone ever loved you enough to tell you that ONLY those who are 'Born of God and FAITHFUL to Jesus' will enter the ‘Kingdom of God’?.. I reckon it might be best to tell them today, you don’t want anyone’s blood on your hands now do you, especially your family’s .. Amen?. ref/Acts 20:20-27, Revelation 22:7, Matthew 25:21, LUKE 8:21 ..

The Devil went out from the presence of My Lord
And My Lord God said to him
You can go so far with My Servant Job
But then you’ll have to quit
And I’ll show you O Serpent low
That Job is Faithful to Me
Go your way and take his everything

So the Devil went out and put old Job on the ash heap that day
And Job was covered in sores and boils
And he scratched and scratched all day
And with all his children taken away and his livelihood all gone
He turned to his wife and as he scratched, she was no help at all

She told old Job to curse his God and My God too He is
O Lord you’re in control to the very End
O My Lord you’re in control
You were right all along about Job, he was faithful to the End

And a double blessing was given to
My Servant Job-God’s Man, My servant Job
And a double blessing was given to
My servant Job-God's Man, My servant Job
Repeat ..