We are excited that you can join us today for worship. Our Senior Pastor John Kimber will be preaching from 2 Timothy 3:14-17, in our series; 'New Year, New You?’.

We are currently requesting masks to be worn at all times inside of the building. We know that people have different convictions. But we ask you to please extend grace to each other during this time and remember that the most important thing is that we continue to come together as the body of Christ to worship God!
If you would like to visit us we have fully opened our sanctuary again! We are still asking people to follow NYS and CDC guidelines, if you would like more information as to what our current COVID guidelines are please contact the office at the information below.

Thank you for joining us live or watching the service later on YouTube or Facebook. Please leave us a like or comment, subscribe or follow if you have not already for updates and the latest information about what is going on at our Church. If you would like to join us in person at our Rexford NY campus you can always find that information in our links down below.

If you would like to learn more, you can find that information in the links down below.:
Website: https://www.faithcrossroads.org
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/faithchurchonline
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faithcrossroadsconnection/
Online Giving: https://www.faithcrossroads.org/give
Connection Card: https://faithcrossroads.org/contact/
Previous Sermons (Audio and Video): https://faithcrossroads.org/resources/sermons/
If you would like to request a copy of the sermon you can contact the church office.
Events Calendar: https://faithcrossroads.org/events-calendar