The unconditional and free grace and forgiveness we receive from God the Father, through Jesus, are the life blood of our faith. They give us certainty, sustain our faith, and create new life in us each day. Sometimes we forget that our gracious God has always been this way, even before God the Son became flesh. The people of Israel also experienced and received these wonderful treasures from Heaven. During this series we will explore God’s characteristic faithfulness to both redeem and purify His people, and offer them a new beginning. What we are able to hear through the prophet Zechariah and the people of Israel is that no matter how far we have strayed from God, He offers us a way to begin again. By taking an in-depth look at the Old Testament book of Zechariah, we will see the importance and place of repentance in the life of a believer and God’s continued faithfulness to restore and secure His people (restore us) in His loving care again. We live out our faith in confidence that we serve a God who repeatedly makes all things new!

Pastor Steve Roma
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