James 2:1-13
February 27, 2019

• 2:1, Partiality – respecter of persons. God doesn’t do this. Can offend the rich. Will include the poor. It is what it is.
• 2:2-4, Discriminate, separate, judge with evil thoughts. (versus Matthew 7:5, judging with godly thoughts).
• 2:5, Chosen, elect, picked out those who are poor to be RICH in faith and in heritance. Major doctrinal claim!
• 2:6, You (in our flesh) see poverty as having no value, honor, or worth. While it is the rich, powerful who rule, oppress, and meddle in our lives. Major heart condition claim!
• 2:8, Royal law – supreme – “love your neighbor as yourself” – in this you act nobly, honorably.
• 2:9, Partiality – favor a person or persons based on temporary surface elements, you are in active rebellion against the Gospel and the mission of Christ – Good soldier to defector (or at least abandoning your post).
• 2:11, The holding cell – what are you in for? It does not say all sins are alike or the same; it does say that all sins make us sinners.
• 2:12, Not final destination (heaven/hell), but level of glory. You will be judged. Mercy – covenant loyalty – pity and compassion. If you lack mercy, God’s judgment will not include mercy – straight forward. Mercy exults over judgment!

(1) You will be judged according to God’s perfect law. (not reciprocity in the world, but based on trust and loyalty to the King who is invading)
(2) Mercy, kindness as a constant heart posture is of great value on the battle field – and is priceless at the judgment.
(3) Practical Lesson – do not respect externals, but treat the saints (and potential saints) with the eyes of heaven.