Oct. 8 l Psalm 10:17–18, 56:4, 11, Beloved, who are in distress, you are safe in God of mercy and love. Trust in Him and praise Him. l Today’s Verse/Bible Quotes/Quotes of all time

#theafflicted #theoppressed #thefatherless #deserateneed #righteousjudge #trustingGod #scriptureoftheday
*Multi. Subtitles are available.
[Nebasi Channel(Time to Change): The Verse of the Day+Meditation in Nature
(From today’s portion of Drama Bible 200-day Bible Reading, Day 76)

♥ God’s heart always goes out to the afflicted always. Trust in Him, God of love and mercy. Do not fear those who give you a hard time. They are just flesh. But, God is God, God the Almighty.

[The Verse of the Day] Psalm 10:17–18, 56:4, 11 (ESV)
17 O LORD, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear
18 to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.
Psalm 56:4, 11
4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?
11 in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?
[시편 10:17-18, 56:4, 11]
17 여호와여 주는 겸손한 자의 소원을 들으셨사오니 그들의 마음을 준비하시며 귀를 기울여 들으시고
18 고아와 압제 당하는 자를 위하여 심판하사 세상에 속한 자가 다시는 위협하지 못하게 하시리이다
56:4 내가 하나님을 의지하고 그 말씀을 찬송하올지라 내가 하나님을 의지하였은즉 두려워하지 아니하리니 혈육을 가진 사람이 내게 어찌하리이까
56:11 내가 하나님을 의지하였은즉 두려워하지 아니하리니 사람이 내게 어찌하리이까

☞ BGM: Kiss the Sky - Aakash Gandhi
☞ Images via Shutterstock