Pastor Tyler Gillit, How to Be a Failure, 1 Samuel 31:1-10, Sunday Evening, 4/26/2020

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1. The extent of Saul's failure
- Saul failed Himself
- Saul failed His Family (vs. 6) (2 Samuel 1:4)
- Saul Failed His Nation (vs. 7)
- Saul failed the World (1 Samuel 31:8-10)
- Saul failed God

2. Be honest enough to evaluate and see if
any of these characteristics are in your life.
- Be Selective in Your Obedience to God (8)
- Hold on to the best and nicest parts of what God hates and has asked you to destroy. (9)
- Give God the leftovers, the worthless, and
what you don't really want anyway (9b)
- Take every opportunity to selfishly steal the credit that only belongs to God. (12)
- Lie to yourself and to others about your spiritual condition.
- Refuse to Stand For Your Convictions when Others Oppose You
- Blame Others for your own Personal Failure
- Live off of the Spirituality of Others and Never Experience God
- Be Big in Your Eyes
- Offer partial, heartless, halfway repentance once you know that you've been caught.