Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!" --~--
And so today I want to make a few observations from chapter 1.
There are two things that we can learn from Paul that become evident in this passage. First, he was a man of PRAYER.
1. Prayer – v. 1-11
a. Consistently (v. 3-4)
b. Specifically
i. Be loving
ii. Increase in their knowledge of God
iii. More depth of insight
iv. Discernment
v. Purity
c. APPLICATION: Do you just pray for people once and then stop or do you pray consistently for them? And when you pray are you lazy with your prayers or do you pray specifically for them like Paul does for the Philippian church?

And so the first 11 verses are all about PRAYER. But now in verses 12-26 we switch and

2. Perspective – v. 12-26
a. Paul had the right perspective on his PROBLEMS – (v.12-13)
i. Paul sees prison not as an OBSTACLE but an OPPORTUNITY –
ii. Instead of feeling sorry for himself and getting mad at God, Paul uses turns his prison cell into a mission field and two things happen.
1. People in Rome hear the gospel and get saved that otherwise would not.
2. Other Christians become more confident to share the gospel after seeing Paul endure and respond to his imprisonment.
1. Don’t get so caught up in your own personal prison that you don’t see the opportunities around you to make a difference in other people’s lives.
2. People are watching you handle your trials.
b. Paul had the right perspective on MINISTRY
i. Finally, Paul says in verse 15…
ii. There was a group of Christian preachers who were glad that Paul was in prison because they were jealous of Paul’s influence and platform and this took the attention off of Paul and gave them the opportunity to develop their own platforms. But even knowing this Paul is like, “whether they preach with good motives or bad motives I ain’t gonna sweat it because at the end of the day the gospel of Jesus Christ is still being preached!”
iii. This teaches us that Paul had a kingdom perspective and not an empire perspective.
iv. Paul says, “Even though these people are preaching the gospel out of envy thinking they are adding pain to my situation, whether it’s me or them the main thing is that people are hearing the gospel and people are getting saved.
c. Paul had the right perspective on his LIFE – (v. 21) – Paul says in verse 21, “For me this is a win-win situation. If I live that gives me more time to tell other people about Christ, so I’m good! If I die then I get to be with Christ in heaven.”
i. Paul wasn’t so connected to his life here on earth that he wasn’t able to see the bigger picture.

So guys we are just getting started with this short book I encourage you to read it along with me. I’d love to hear your observations from chapter 1 or any questions you might have so please leave them in the comments section below. Like this video is you like it, share and don’t forget to subscribe so you’ll know exactly when a new video is posted.