Worship Set:
"I Love You, Lord"
"O Worship the King"
"Crown Him with Many Crowns"
"Be Thou My Vision"


A Gospel That Governs
1 Peter 2:13-17
Allen Tsai

Key Idea: We display our ultimate submission to God and our distinction as Christians through our submission to earthly authorities.

I. The Mandate: Be Subject to Government (vv.13-14)
II. The Motive: For the Sake of God (v.15)
III. The Manner: As Servants of God (vv.16-17)

Small Group Discussion Questions:
- What's your opinion of and reaction to the government? What does this reveal about your heart?
- In what situations are you likely to submit to government? When are you tempted to disobey?
- What is the connection between your submission to God and your submission to government? How can you honor God better in your submission to government?
- What does freedom in Christ look like? The last verse of our passage is very applicable. How can you put these commands into practice during this season of quarantine?

Lighthouse Community Church in Torrance, CA is committed to making Gospel-centered disciples who exalt and proclaim Christ.

Praxis Fellowship - http://lighthousesouthbay.org/ministries/praxis-young-adultpost-grad/