Worship Set:
"God The Uncreated One (King Forevermore)"
"Here is Love"
"All Glory Be to Christ"

Promises and Purpose of God in Persecution
1 Peter 3:13-17
Allen Tsai

Key Idea: As Christians we will be persecuted for our faith, but we are able to endure and redeem it if we look to God's promises and live out God's purposes.

1. Suffer Well by Looking to God's Promises
2. Suffer Well by Living Out God's Purposes

Small Group Questions
- What do you fear about persecution? What promises of God can help you combat that fear and how?
- What is your biggest struggle when sharing your faith? Is it speaking ability, doing so graciously, fear of rejection, feeling inept, contradictory lifestyle, etc? How does God's word challenge you to grow in giving a reason for the hope that is in you?
- Explain the relationship between loving Christ and setting Him as holy in your hearts with looking to God's promises and living out His purposes in persecution. What are the practical steps you can take in cultivating a deeper love for Christ?

Lighthouse Community Church in Torrance, CA is committed to making Gospel-centered disciples who exalt and proclaim Christ.

Praxis Fellowship - http://lighthousesouthbay.org/ministries/praxis-young-adultpost-grad/