Worship Set:
“Lord, I Need You”
“Man of Sorrows”
“Hallelujah, What a Savior”

A Compelling Community that Blesses
1 Peter 3:8–12
Chris Wong

Key Idea: We are called to be a compelling witness for Christ within the church and to the outside world.

I. Counter-Cultural Characteristics within Christian Community (v.8)
a. unity
b. sympathy
c. brotherly love
d. tenderheartedness
e. humility

II. Counter-Cultural Conduct towards the World (v.9a)
a. The call to non-retaliation
b. The call to bless as we have been blessed

III. Christ-Centered Motivation Leading to Blessing (v.9b-12)

Small Group Discussion Questions:

- What do you think threatens to disturb the testimony of believers within our church (think along the lines of one of the five attitudes mentioned in v.8)? What can be done to restore or maintain that particular characteristic within our particular local church?

- How should we react to oppression and persecution of other people (v.9)? What would change about some of your relationships if you reacted the way that Peter recommends towards non-Christians in your life? You may also think and discuss this question within the context of the church and relationships you have with other believers as well (what do you think needs to change in how you treat others within the church family?

- Think about your relationships with those who treat you poorly. How do you currently react to them? What needs to change?

Lighthouse Community Church in Torrance, CA is committed to making Gospel-centered disciples who exalt and proclaim Christ. Praxis Fellowship - http://lighthousesouthbay.org/ministries/praxis-young-adultpost-grad/