Standing Firm as Suffering Sojourners
1 Peter 5:12–14
Chris Wong

Key Idea: As believers, we must stand firm in the gospel of grace for everyday life.

Four Characteristics of Standing Firm:

I. A Fervent Exhortation (v.12b)
II. A Faithful Example (v.12a)
III. A Familial Expression (v.13–14a)
IV. A Favorable Expectation (v.14b)

Small Group Discussion Questions

- Fervent Exhortation. Reflect back on previous lessons and themes in the book of 1 Peter. What exhortations or encouragements have you found the most helpful for your walk with Christ? What have you found to be the most challenging?

- Faithful Example. Share about how you’ve been impacted by a faithful believer who has endured exile, trial, difficulty, or persecution that you respect (e.g. a story, example of how you thought that person was faithful). Why do you think it’s important to be around faithful brothers and sisters during times of suffering, trial, or difficulty?

- Familial Expression. Think of believers you know who might need an exhortation and testimony of the grace of God (e.g. small group, work, family, other relational context). What can you do this week to encourage that person to stand firm in the grace of God? How might you support or pray for believers or churches outside of Lighthouse this week?