Title: PRIESTS MUST BE HOLY / UBF Daily Bread, Lev 22:1~16, December 10, 2021

UBF Daily Bread Voice Service
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Date: December 10, 2021
Passage: Lev 22:1~16
Key Verse: 9
God again gives regulations about worship pertaining to priests and their approach to God. Verses 1-9 stress that the priests must be ceremonially clean to come into the tabernacle area, perform their duties, or eat the food offerings. They were not to approach God when they were unclean. The priests' main duty was to distinguish what was clean and unclean. Thus, they must not be hypocrites and should set an example in being set apart for the people. The priest's life must be consistent with what he teaches. The priest's worship must reflect who God is. It is easy to become casual in our approach to God or to blend in with the world around us. But God calls us to be holy and to be disciplined in his ways of worship.

Verses 10-16 regulate who can eat the food sacrificed to God among the priests' family members and who cannot. These distinctions highlight that God is holy; our approach to him must be with reverence and holiness. God in his grace allows them to come near to him when they adhere to his words and live apart, distinctly from others. We, too, must live distinct, holy lives of faith.

Prayer: Father, you are holy; you want us to be holy. Give us Jesus' grace and Holy Spirit to live distinctly, holy lives as a kingdom of priests.
One Word: Live holy lives as God's priests to a lost world that sorely needs Christ

URL: http://ubf.org/daily-bread

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