Five red heifers arrived in Israel last Thursday from the United States. What is the prophetic significance? The Temple Institute has been searching for a red heifer (without blemish, without spot - Deuteronomy 19) in preparation for the construction of the third temple in Jerusalem. In this Prophecy Update, Dr. Randal Reese answers two questions, explaining the end-time significance of Israel's search for the perfect red heifer:

1) What does this mean for Israel? (Numbers 19:1-9, 17)
2) What does this mean for the Church? (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18))

******** WATCH NEXT "Today's Signs for Tomorrow's Times" here ➡

???? Video Notes ????

1️⃣ (Video) Megiddo - Racing Toward Armageddon

2️⃣ (Video) Prophecy Update - World End Time Players

3️⃣ (Video) Gog and Magog - All Eyes On Russia (Ezekiel 38)

4️⃣ (Video) Prophecy Update - Israel, America, Saudi Arabia and Iran

Every day, more and more people are becoming aware of the significance of Bible prophecy. God's Word is being fulfilled all around us. Learn to talk intelligently and spiritually with your loved ones about the things unfolding in our world today. Always consider first this question, "What does the Bible have to say about it?"

⚡ Book: Check out Church Now Kingdom Later here:

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---------------------------------------------------------About Until That Day ------------------------------------------------------------------
Until That Day Ministries is the outreach ministry of New Rocky Creek Baptist Church. Until That Day is committed to providing "on time truth you can trust," Biblical teaching thru days of deception. Until That Day teaches the biblical worldview concerning events going on in our world today. Dr. Reese holds a Ph.D. in Bible Prophecy. He is Pastor of New Rocky Creek Baptist Church in Mansfield, Georgia (30+ years).

Prophecy Update - Finding a Red Heifer for Israel (Numbers 19:1-9) | End Times Prophecy