Today is the first Wednesday of July, and this month we will look at passages that deal with our speech. We begin with Proverbs 12:18. Let's be sure our words bring health and healing to others!

July 6, 2022

In the Word on Wednesday

“There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword,
But the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18

There are many verses in the book of Proverbs that talk about our speech. They praise those who speak truthfully and wisely and warn against speaking lies or speaking without thinking. In fact, verses 17-19 of this very Proverb are all about speaking truthfully and wisely. I encourage you to read Proverbs 12:17-19 when you have a chance.

Today, though, let’s just look at verse 18. The first part says, “There is one who speaks rashly like the thrust of a sword.” Other translations say, “the words of the reckless” and “thoughtless words.” How many of us have spoken without thinking and hurt someone terribly? I know I have, and I think it’s safe to say that just about everyone has. We may not intend to hurt someone, but our careless words can pierce someone through to the heart.

Conversely, “the tongue of the wise brings healing.” While speaking rashly and thoughtlessly can divide relationships, wise words can do just the opposite. They can bring health and healing and restore broken relationships. Our wise words can bring about reconciliation. They can also bring health to others by encouraging and counseling those who are hurting and in need of friendship or an uplifting word.

Jesus said in Matthew 15:18 that “what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart…” If we are speaking rashly and wounding people, it means that our hearts are not where they need to be. What is coming out of your mouth these days? Is it wise words that bring health and healing or is it thoughtless words that cut like a knife? I challenge you to examine your heart. Fill your heart with God’s Word so that what proceeds out if it may be pleasing to Him and healing to others.