1 "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion."

A guilty conscience is a terrible thing, but is a prerequisite for confident living and spiritual boldness. We can see in this that the wicked flee because they are guilty of sin and they know it. Their fear comes from being found out and punished for the things they have done.

They are constantly looking over their shoulder, because they know punishment is coming. They just do not know when, or from where. Their guilty conscience has boldness to face everyone.

Their worst fear is fear of death and hell. The righteous are such a drastic opposite. They have no fear of things of this earth because they are assured that greater is He that is within them than he that is in the world. God is on their side, and who can be against them.They have no fear of death, because they are promised eternal life. Death of the body on the earth to them is like stepping through a door into all of eternity.Proverbs 28:2 "For the transgression of a land many [are] the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding [and] knowledge the state [thereof] shall be prolonged."This is just saying that when evil prevails in a land, the rule will change real often. Good kings, such as David, reigned for many years. In fact, Saul, David, and Solomon each reigned 40 years. Unrighteousness in a nation produces political instability with many who are vying for power, thus the tenure of each leader is shortened. Wisdom promotes social order and long rule.Proverbs 28:3 "A poor man that oppresseth the poor [is like] a sweeping rain which leaveth no food."You would think the poor would be sympathetic to someone in the same predicament. Perhaps the selfishness of this poor has brought on his poverty. The Lord Jesus taught give and it shall be given unto you. Selfishness and greed bring poverty. This "sweeping rain" spoken of here, could be an unwanted heavy rain just as the seed is in the grain and washes away the chance for it to grow.When the poor come to power and oppress their own, it is as bad as a destructive storm washing the fields clean instead of watering the crops.At any rate, it does away with the prospect of food. Be sure the Lord will find you out. A selfish person, whether rich or poor, will not be blessed of God.Proverbs 28:4 "They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them."In Romans 1:32 we read, "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." We see not only a sinner, but a lover of sin, as well. There are only 2 sides you can be on. One side loves God and keeps His commandments. The other side loves the world and the wickedness it brings. The spirit (good) and the flesh (evil) are continually at war, and will be until Jesus returns.Proverbs 28:5 "Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all [things]." Evil men (as we said in the verse above) have chosen to follow Satan instead of God. Seeing, they will not see; and hearing, they will not hear; because God has closed off their understanding.
Those who seek the Lord will find Him. The Holy Spirit of God reveals the secrets of God to those who seek God. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and our guide. Understanding is for those who seek God.
Proverbs 28:6 "Better [is] the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than [he that is] perverse [in his] ways, though he [be] rich."
The poor man here is speaking of being poor in things of this world, but rich toward God. The things of this world are temporary. There is no lasting value connected with earthly wealth.
We are cautioned to be rich in good works, storing up treasures in heaven where rust doth not decay the riches.
Those who are rich in this world, those who have accumulated by their evil dealings, have no rewards stored in heaven. If they did, someone else would have to use it because their home will be in hell.
Proverbs 28:7 "Whoso keepeth the law [is] a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous [men] shameth his father."
1. Why do the wicked flee when no one pursues?
2. The righteous are bold as a ____________.
3. What is meant by transgression of the land?
4. Who helps the land to last by rule?
5. A poor man who oppresses the poor is like what?
6. A heavy rain at seed time does what?
7. They that forsake the law praise whom?
8. What is worse than being a sinner?
9. What 2 things are in constant warfare?
10. Who understand all things?
11. Who have evil men chosen to follow?
12. Who reveals secrets of God to believers?
13. Who is better than the rich with perverse ways?
14. In verse 7, who is a wise son?
