Wisdom Speaks
Proverbs 8:26-36

It happened long before God
had made the earth or any of its fields
or even the dust.

I was there when the Lord put
the heavens in place and
stretched the sky over the surface
of the sea.

I was with him when he placed
the clouds in the sky and
created the springs that
fill the ocean.

I was there when he set
boundaries for the sea
to make it obey him, and
when he laid foundations
to support the earth.

I was right beside the Lord,
helping him plan and build.
I made him happy each day,
and I was happy at his side.

I was pleased with his world
and pleased with its people.

Pay attention, my children!
Follow my advice, and
you will be happy.

Listen carefully to my instructions,
and you will be wise.

Come to my home each day
and listen to me.
You will find happiness.

By finding me,
you find life,
and the Lord will be
pleased with you.

But if you don't find me,
you hurt only yourself,
and if you hate me,
you are in love with death.