Have you ever taken something that wasn't for you? Did it feel sweet, knowing you had something you weren't supposed to have? Well, sometimes sweet things have bitter consequences.

Join us on Day 9 of our series #GetWisdom as we dig into Proverbs 9.

Have you ever taken something that wasn't for you? Did it feel sweet, knowing you had something you weren't supposed to have? Well, sometimes sweet things have bitter consequences.

Last time, we talked about Lady Wisdom (Proverbs 8).
This time, in Proverbs chapter 9, we’ll meet Lady Folly.
Verse of the day-

Proverbs 9:17, “Stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”
This is true, but it’s not something we ascribe to.
The Woman of Folly in Proverbs 9:13-18 (sexual overtones)
- Folly tells us to believe that when we get something that’s not ours, it can be kind of sweet.

- BUT there’s always a consequence. Just because you didn’t get caught does not mean you got away with it.

- Sometimes we try to do or have things that are GOOD, but not at the proper time, and that makes them bad.

- Other things are never for you, but you still have access to them. Consequences apply to these, as well.

- If it’s not for you, you can’t take it without consequence.

Read all of Proverbs 9. We’re looking at one verse, but mine and dig for treasures in the book of Proverbs. #GetWisdom

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