Psalm 104 verses 1-5 sang by the Yamma Ensemble. Lyrics below:

Hebrew Transliteration:

104:1 bârakhiy naphshiy 'et-Adonai, Adonai 'elohay gâdhaltâ me'odh

hodh vehâdhâr lâbhoshtâ

104:2 `otheh-'or kasalmâh

notheh shâmayim kayriy`âh

104:3 hamqâreh bhammayim `aliyyothâyv

hasâm-`âbhiym rekhubho

hamhallêkh `al-kanphêy-ruach

104:4 `osehmal'âkhâyv ruchoth

meshârthâyv 'êsh lohêth

104:5 yâsadh-'erets `al-mekhoneyhâ bal-timmoth `olâm vâ`ed

English Translation:

104:1 Bless the L-RD, O my soul. O the L-RD my G-D, Thou art very great; Thou art clothed with glory and majesty.

104:2 Who coverest Thyself with light as with a garment, who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain;

104:3 Who layest the beams of Thine upper chambers in the waters, who makest the clouds Thy chariot, who walkest upon the wings of the wind;

104:4 Who makest winds Thy messengers, the flaming fire Thy ministers.

104:5 Who didst establish the earth upon its foundations, that it should not be moved for ever and ever;