Our reading plan devotional for the day is from Psalm 119:33-64.
I was struck as I read these verses by how much the Psalmist loves the word of God. He is constantly telling his creator that he delights in his words, commandments, and instructions. And the question that keeps rattling around in my brain is this: do I love the words of God like the Psalmist loves them? Is the word of God my delight or is it my duty?
Just look how many times, just in our 30 verses, that we have reference to the Psalmists love for God’s word. We see it in Vs. 35, 37 and 39. And then three times in verses 47-48. There he writes, “I find my delight in your commandments which I love. I will lift up my head toward your commandments which I love. This theme appears three more times in vs. 49-52. Here we find that his word gives hope, life, and comfort.
Now we must ask, why does the Psalmist have this kind of love for the words of God, and how can you and I get this kind of love? The answer is this: his desire for the word is fueled by desperation. And the same is true for us- desperation fuels our desire. Look at the Psalmist. He is assailed on all sides! He faces idolatry within himself (vs. 37), shame and disgrace from others (39), the wicked and insolent mock and deride him (51-53) and the cords of the wicked ensnare him (61).
If you’re like me then you’re facing similar frustration and anxiety today. Even just the change in our regular schedules can add stress- not to mention the compressed family times, quarrelling with kids, financial strain, and vast uncertainty. Have you acknowledged this desperation to the Lord and are you allowing that desperation to fuel your desire for his word? For the word of God is a delight. It is a source of life and comfort. Let us run to it thirsty and eagerly, not dutifully or begrudgingly. And when we don’t have hearts that delight in his commands- when we don’t want to meditate on his word- then let’s rehearse the truth of this Psalm in our minds and over our hearts, asking God to change what we crave.
Have a great day!