A lesson on the believer’s contrition and repentance before God when we sin against Him. The context of this psalm is David’s horrendous sin with Bathsheba and murder of her husband. Today’s study contains his subsequent prayer of confession and pleading for God’s mercy. While it’s easy to dismiss this as David’s sin, the truth is, this psalm is a most practical example for us, how we ought to be before God. Why? Because you have done evil in God’s sight too, and quite possibly of similar nature to David's transgression.

What God considers sinful is not merely our actions, but peers down to the very thoughts, motivations, and inclinations of our heart. What we desire is rooted in our nature, which for each of us originated in our forefather Adam. Have you ever hated someone? That is the essence murder. You are a murder like David. Have you had a lustful thought, a bout of greed, a jolt of pride? You are an adulterer, a thief, and an idolater then. According to God's Law you are worthy of death. And apart from God’s grace, that's what you would get. Nevertheless He is merciful, and gives us a new nature in Christ by His Spirit. But even genuine Christians can fall into gross and egregious sins for a season since we are at war with the old nature. But if we are born of God we cannot remain in it, or else we prove ourselves to be false professors.

There is only way to to be rid of the guilt of your sin, and be reconciled to God, and that is through trusting in the perfect sacrifice of the sinless Lamb of God - the Lord Jesus Christ. How else do you suppose you will be right with Him? Through your obedience or 'trying your best'? Even your very best is nothing but filth in God's sight, because He is holy, spotless, and perfect in all His being. And if you seek to be in His presence, you must be holy as well. Thanks be to Him that He has made a way! He gave His Son to bear our guilt and shame so that the record of our transgressions would be blotted out completely! Are you in a season of sin now? How lightly do you esteem His lovingkindness? Repent and turn from your evil, and don't leave any provision for it. Cut it off at the root, whatever it is that enslaves you to it. Draw near to God on the basis of His mercy and lovingkindness. What a marvelous thing it is that God loves to forgive even more than we love to sin! Come to Him confessing your sin and guiltiness before Him, and plead for mercy on the basis of His Son. He wills not that you would perish in your sin, but that you would have your life and peace and joy in Him.