"By remembering God's track record" - ‘Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; Take it to the Lord in prayer’. So says the famous hymn in advice that fits with the main thrust of the Psalms. But what happens when praying to God brings no comfort in our suffering? That is the problem faced in this passage. The only certainty we have about God’s love for us are the objective facts of salvation. Where Israel looked to the Exodus, we find comfort in meditating on God’s great act of love in the cross.

Series title: Relating to God in hard times
Speaker: Mickey Mantle
Bible passage: Psalm 77:1-20
Date: 18 Aug 2019

View more details or download audio at https://www.st-helens.org.uk/resources/talk/56436

View all talks in this series at https://www.st-helens.org.uk/resources/series/5163