How do we know that Jesus came? and,
Why did He come?
1.The Old Testament Scriptures and the Prophets predicted His coming.Gen.3:15; Is.9:6-7; Is.7:14.
2.The four Gospels and the writers of the Epistles, historically authenticated His coming. There are also historical records and even by secular historians who testified about His coming.
3.The angels announced the Messiah's birth (Lk.2:8-15).They protected Him by sending his family to Egypt. They waited on Jesus's Life and Ministry (Matt.4:11).They proclaimed His resurrection (Matt.28:1-7), and they confirmed His ascension (Acts 1:10-11).
Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh. God became man (Jn.1:1,14),and came to this earth at the fullness of time. His Purpose:
1.To Destroy all the works of the Devil (1Jn.3:8).
2.To be the Savior of the world (1Jn.1:14),and To Take Away our sins. Only a sinless Savior could qualify to be our Sin-bearer (1Jn.3:5).
3.To redeem us from the curse of the law (Gal.3:10-13).
4.To manifest God's love towards us, and to give us Enternal Life (1Jn.4:9).
Jesus Christ can be your Savior and Lord of your life by simply confessing your sins,trusting Him by faith, and accepting His plan and will for your life.