I like seeing things through to completion. However, I write with a touch of sadness in knowing this is the last update from our study of John's gospel. It's been a year of personal growth and challenge for me. I know and love Jesus more than when we started this journey together. In my opinion, John puts the perfect bow on his biography of Jesus. For three years Jesus has been leading, teaching, and counseling his disciples. They have had many highs (casting out demons in his name!) and many lows (running away at his arrest). In the end, they get exactly what they need to become world changers. The love, grace and mercy from Jesus constantly flow. We see it in a conversation between Jesus and Peter. Peter has returned to fishing because he sees himself as a failure, but Jesus has not given up on Peter. Jesus gently guides Peter through the pain of his denial and then uses his brokenness to restore him to ministry. "Feed my sheep." There's a lesson here for us. If God only used perfect people nothing would get done. So let's own up to our sin. Let's receive forgiveness. Let's step into the act of loving others and show our love for the one who first loved us.