Join us on this glorious Sunday as Pastor Phillip Tucker, Senior Pastor of Awaken Christian Church, brings forth a powerful word preaching from the Book of Matthew. First beginning in an atmosphere of praise and worship, opening up the floodgates of Heaven and partaking in the sacraments of Holy Communion. A time to publicly honor Our Lord and Savior, remembering and commemorating His dying on the cross. As it is written in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, communion is a time of celebration, assessment, and recognition that we are one body in Christ. “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity” Psalm 133:1.

Pastor Phil reminds us of the words stated in ACC’s Bible Confession, that we are “forcefully advancing God’s kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven” this means we are walking in victory, faith and steadfastly into the things of God. Today’s sermon brought forth by a conversation Pastor Phil had with his eldest daughter and discussing the movie King Richard. Sometimes you may have felt like you’ve lost, but God instead of losing has allowed you to learn, we lose the battle but He prepares us to win the war!

Throughout the Bible, there are many who had seemingly lost and been defeated, such as Joseph, Job, Esther, and Daniel, BUT God! Reading from the Matthew 9, Pastor Phil tells us to be in a different mode, having humility, meekness and strength of Jesus Christ, trusting in Him, for our faith will heal us (Matthew 9:23)! Let courage manifest, for Jesus warns us in Matthew 10:16 that there are wolves in this world so we ought to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves”.

Tune into today’s sermon to hear the keys to living the steadfast victorious life; we’ve come this far by faith, trusting in His word, don’t give up for He has something greater to reveal if you just hold on!