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Another Wednesday evening at prayer meeting, just minding my own business, listening to the preacher expounding on first Corinthians chapter one. Then there was something that caught my attention when he quoted a verse for a reference in his sermon in Hebrews 9 22. What he said was: "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without the shading of blood there is no remission".

Immediately after heard this quote I said to myself; "Go on preacher, quote the rest of the verse"...

Well, I already realized that once again there's a change in the Holy Bible. Dog Gone It!!!

I haven't counted all the results i was able to find. Needless to say so far there's over 10 pages showing what this passage used to read. Don't tell me the bible isn't changing, I know better. Why don't you go over to the website and see all the results I've found so far. I'll place a link to the residue page in the description box below .