Exodus 4:13 (NIV84) But Moses said, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”

A. The “Not Me” wall manifests in many different ways

1. “Not Me” I nobody’s fool
2. “Not Me” They don’t pay me enough for that
3. “Not Me” I’m too independent for that
4. “Not Me” That’s not my job

B. Before we say “Not Me”, we should find out if God wants it to be us

C. When God chooses us for any opportunity, it is an invitation to be on God’s Team

D. When God chooses us for any opportunity, it is because He believes in us

E. When God chooses us, it is because He prepared us for that purpose

F. When God chooses us, we are the only person who He has confidence in for that assignment

G. The “Not Me” wall keeps people from doing their God-given assignment and from their God-given rewards

#Omnipotent #God #Moses #BurningBush