God mornin! Wow... and here we are. The final Sunday of the year 2020! Can we just stop right here and brag on God for a few!?! GIVE HIM PRAISE DUE HIS NAME!! I want to END and BEGIN with HIM!! I want to be wherever HE RESIDES!! Come on y’all... let’s give HIM THE HIGHEST PRAISE! HALLELUJAH!!! Thank You Jesus!! #TYJ #revelation19vs1 #hallelujah #salvation #glory #honor #power #Mighty #Omnipotent #Heisable #Wonderful #Counselor #EverlastingFather #PrinceofPeace #howExcellentisThyName #idonotownrightstolyrics #ilivemusic #ilovemusic #musicheals #musictranscends #musiccomforts #musicispower

This song has been re-recorded by so many! Still piercing the hearts of millions! Here is where the song originated and renditions from others below! Let’s praise and worship our Father together!

Song: Revelation 19:1

Song written by: A. Jeffery LaValley

The New Jerusalem Baptist Church Choir directed by Curtis Hayes, Jr and A. Jeffrey LaValley
Artist (Re-recorded): Stephen Hurd
Sunday Service Choir
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