Our Sunday Worship Service is in person and also streamed live at 10 a.m. PT weekly. Our Bible Study, Wednesday in the Word, is broadcast on this channel at 7 p.m. PT weekly.

Need directions or other information?
email sbcmon925@gmail.com or call (626) 358-2136 Tu through Thu between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m

Need Prayer?
sbcmonrovia.org/prayer OR text "prayer" to (626) 495-3020

- sbcmonroiva.org/give OR
- Vanco Mobile App - Second Baptist Church of Monrovia OR
- By U.S. Mail:
Second Baptist Church
P.O. Box 479
Monrovia, CA 91017-0479

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and CLICK the BELL!

Follow Us as We Follow Christ!
- facebook.com/sbcmonrovia
- YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/sbcmonrovia
- twitter.com/sbcmonrovia
- Instagram.com/2bcmonrovia