Discussion Questions

In these verses Paul identifies the preaching of the gospel free of charge as a characteristic of a true servant of Christ. This practice is in contrast with that of the false, "super apostles" who apparently charged a fee for their ministry. Compare verse 7 with Matthew 10:7-10; Acts 20:33-35; 1 Corinthians 9:18.

a. What observations and conclusions can you make from these passages about charging money in exchange for giving the gospel?

b. Who then should pay the costs of getting the gospel message out to those who need to hear it?

2. The Bible makes it clear that those who give themselves to preaching the gospel should be paid for their ministry, (1 Corinthians 9:7-11, 14; 1Timothy 5:17-18).

a. How do you reconcile these two teachings (point # 1 and 2 above)?

b. Who determines the amount of pay, the speaker or those who are supporting the speaker? Why?

c. When do we as Christians receive our reward for faithful service?

d. In the meantime what are we to be content with?

3. What are some examples of these biblical principles being followed and some examples of these principles being ignored in ministries today?

a. Why do you think some ministries charge a fee?

b. How should the legitimate costs be covered?

4. Read John 10:10-13 contrasting the good shepherd and the hireling.

a. What added insight does this passage bring to the discussion of paid ministry?

b. In light of this passage and the rest of scripture, what, if any, dangerous circumstances in ministry, (in missions for example), would justify a minister of the gospel leaving the people he/she is serving for the sake of his/her own safety? (c.f., Acts 9:23-25, 29-30; Acts 17:5-10, 13-14)