Sermon Notes July 5, 2015
“Samuel: A Nation Turns Away from God”
(1 Samuel 8:4-9)
I. God can take man’s _______________ and
accomplish His plan through it.
A. What is revealed to Samuel says a great deal
about God’s ____________.
B. What is revealed to Samuel says a great deal
about God’s ____________. (Hosea 5:9)
II. _______________ comes when we rely on
ourselves rather than on God.
A. Until Israel sought a king, the nation had been led
by men and women called by God to leadership,
____________ leaders, not political leaders.
B. Israel did not leave ____________ totally out of
the process.
C. Israel was looking to ___________ something
other than God.
III.Sometimes God disciplines people by giving
them what they _______________.
A. Israel got what they wanted and they learned how
____________ that would be.
B. The Romans kept crying for what they wanted
until God removed His ____________ hand and
they got what they wanted … and they got all the
pain that came with it. (Romans 1:24; 1:26)
The S