We take our inspiration today from
Genesis chapter 21, verse 2
"Sarah bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him"

As it says in Psalms chapter 33,
"The counsel of the Lord standeth forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations". But we must be prepared to wait God's time. God has His set times. It is not for us to know them; indeed, we cannot know them; we must wait for them.

If God had told Abraham in Haran that he must wait for thirty years until he pressed the promised child to his bosom, his heart would have failed him. So, in gracious love, the length of the weary years was hidden, and only as they were nearly spent, and there were only a few more months to wait, God told him, in Genesis chapter 18, "according to the time of life, Sarah shall have a son." The set time came at last; and then the laughter that filled the patriarch's home made the aged pair forget the long and weary vigil.

Take heart, waiting one, thou waitest for One who cannot disappoint thee; and who will not be five minutes behind the appointed moment: ere long "your sorrow shall be turned into joy."

Ah, happy soul, when God makes thee laugh! Then sorrow and crying shall flee away forever, as darkness before the dawn.

It is not for us who are passengers, to meddle with the chart and with the compass. Let the all-skilled Pilot alone with His own work.

"Some things cannot be done in a day. God does not make a sunset glory in a moment, but for days may be massing the mist out of which He builds His palaces beautiful in the west."