We're glad you have joined us today. Taipei International Church is a family and we are being transformed by the love, forgiveness, and grace of God in Jesus Christ.

We want you to feel at home and that you belong here. It is our prayer that you will encounter God and experience his love and truth through worship service today!

Give Your Offering Electronically
You can now give online via credit card by visiting https://taipeichurch.eoffering.org.tw.

To make a bank transfer, our bank information is below. After you make a transfer, please email giving@taipeichurch.org with the amount you gave and your name.
China Trust Banking Corporation Bank
Bank Code: 822
Branch Name: 天母分行
Account Number: 406-54026397-2
Account Name: 社團法人中華民國國際基督徒親善協會

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TIC Podcasts Sermon/Interviews https://anchor.fm/tic-podcast