Foster Christy talks about dryness in our spiritual lives and warns believers of the dangers of just going through the motions and checking boxes.

Looking for a church in Irmo?
Do you live in Irmo or the greater Columbia, SC area? Be sure to visit our website: for more information about King’s Church.

King's Church is an Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Irmo, SC. There are a number of good bible-believing churches in Irmo and the Columbia area and we pray God would fill all of them with people who have responded to the offer of the gospel.

At King’s Church, we invite people to come Experience God, Find Community, and Live on Purpose.

We want people to experience God as who he really is — as he reveals himself to us in the Bible. We teach the Bible - we preach the gospel and teach sound doctrine.

We are committed to loving and serving each other within the church — sharing our talents and our resources for the furthering of God’s Kingdom and for the good of others within our church family. We want everyone who comes to King’s Church to “know and be known.”

We are obedient to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ who sent his disciples out to the nations with the gospel. We are committed to reaching those around us who are far from God but close to us for the glory of God and the good of mankind.

You can find King's Church online at, Facebook, and Instagram.

We recently just changed locations. As an answer to prayer, we have partnered with Ben Lippen School and will be using their St. Andrews Rd. Campus on Sundays. Ben Lippen School is located on St. Andrews Rd. just a couple miles from I-26 in Columbia.

Join us at our new location 10a.m. Sundays at the Ben Lippen School St. Andrews Rd. campus -- 500 St. Andrews Rd. Columbia, SC 29210.

#KingsChurch #sermon #ChurchInIrmo