Hello, everyone!

I have written a handful of songs directly from the Scriptures to help myself memorize them and be my own encouragement whenever worry and trouble come. Songs which have been coming from personal experiences and learning in life. Thus, 'Sing The Scripture' will be the name for this segment in our channel.

"DO NOT WORRY" is a song about Jesus's words on Matthew 6:25-34 commanding us not to worry, to have hope in Him, and to trust He will provide for His children. I wrote in 2015. But was only able to record it now.

I hope that this song will be an encouragement to your troubled souls today just as it has been to mine. Please, share it to those who might need it and may the Lord bring rest upon each worry that you might be facing every day.

All honor and praise and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

- Jamie and Ed Racho