So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. — Acts 1:6-7

There are some things we don't know. And maybe for a good reason. For example, I really don't want to know when I'm going to die. Or when my wife is going to die. Or when my kids or going to die. These are times and events that are outside of my ability to know. And honestly, I am glad I don't know when these things are going to happen. But I think God does this for two reasons. First, the unknown activates our faith in God. Therefore we must trust in him with the things he has not made known. We usually cannot handle knowing them anyway. But God can. Second, this does not suggest that he makes everything unknowable. In fact, there are some pretty spectacular things he has made known. For example, God has made known the Son, his message, and what he is about to disclose next in the following text — the promised Holy Spirit. These things are wonderful to know. But he knows they are enough for us to handle knowing.

So when you discover that there is something you do not know, like:

How your marriage is going to make it.
Where you are going to find your next source of income.
Or how you are going to overcome another health challenge.

Know that you can ask God to make it know. But remember, sometimes God's not going to let you know. And when he doesn't, you need to trust him even more — not less. At this moment, you need trust in what he has made known to you and have faith in a God who knows all things.

ASK THIS: Is there something you don't know that you want to know from God? Have you asked him? (Share that below and let's all pray for each other together)

DO THIS: Trust in him whether he answers or not.

PRAY THIS: God, I am asking you to help me today. Make know to me what I desire to know. And strengthen my faith where you will not tell me what I want to know.

PLAY THIS: Yes and Amen.Check out other all Vince Miller's videos and audios for small groups at:

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