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The first book I remember hearing about that used the Song of Solomon as a series of lessons concerning intimacy in the marriage relationship.was, "What the Bible says about Love Marriage and Sex" by Dr. David Jeremiah. .

A. Solomon is said to be the wisest man that ever lived
B. The Song of Solomon was Solomon’s personal favorite
Solomon called it, “The song of songs”.

The Bible says that Solomon wrote three thousand proverbs and one thousand and five songs . Not all of them are recorded in the Bible of course.

C. I prefer to leave the three books in the same order we find them in the Bible:
Proverbs is written over a period of time.
It is collection of his wisdom
Ecclesiastes is written in the zenith of his life.
By the end of Ecclesiastes I believe we really can think of him as wise when he writes Ecclesiastes 12:13

The Song of Solomon is exactly what it says it is; a song. You and I might understand it better as a play. It is really a series of songs that each fit together to convey one story.

The approach I want to take is to view it as representing Christ’s love for the church.

Pastor Marvin McKenzie, Bible Baptist Church Puyallup Washington